Friday, March 4, 2016

VSS Entertainment - Planning An 'Over The Hill' Party

Anytime anyone has a birthday party end in a “0” – 30, 40, 50 and so on – it makes for a great excuse to have a birthday party. 

Some consider 30 to be “over the hill” but it’s probably up to the spouse or host of the party. Generally, we see more “over the hill” parties at 40 and 50, but not too many at 30. That’s still pretty young!

The most important thing about planning and hosting an “over the hill” party is to make sure the birthday boy or girl is good humored and will take the event in stride. You absolutely don’t want to ruin their day and have the birthday guest of honor in tears on their birthday! We’ve seen this happen before!

With all that in mind, here are some tips on hosting an “over the hill” birthday party:

- Decide if this is going to be a surprise birthday party or not. Some people don’t like surprises, but you could plan the party and not let the birthday guy or gal know that the REAL surprise is that it’s an “over the hill” party!

- Pick and plan your location. If you’re looking to host it at a recreation hall; church; restaurant, etc., plan early and reserve your date! If your party is going to be outdoors, have an alternate plan in case of bad weather.

- Make a guest list and get the invitations out as soon as you have the date and location selected. People (especially those with family members) are extremely busy these days, so make sure you get this event on their calendar early! Also, keep your birthday location in mind when inviting guests. If the location is ideal for 50 people, don’t invite 150!

- Have the food catered. This will have you a ton of time.

- Get all black decorations; balloons; plate; cups, etc.

- Plan and order your cake early. Will you order a black cake? Or one in the same of a tombstone, perhaps?

- Will you have entertainment at the party such as a DJ or play some of the guests favorite music via a CD player?

Above all, plan early; get organized and have fun!

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