Thursday, February 25, 2016

VSS Entertainment - Making Even More Wonderful Memories Celebrating An Anniversary

By VSS Entertainment

Honoring any anniversary is really a special moment for the husband and wife to think about  a reaffirmation of vows they took at their wedding and also to generally remember yesteryear. And, since it's a special  milestone, it is truly worthy of a meaningful anniversary and remembrance party for the loving couple. After determining a  party theme, you will want to put special effort into unique, perhaps Pinterest - worthy, party  invites, that incorporate lovely media (either 2-D or 3-D), accessories or graphics along with  treasured words of  tribute.  Continue reading to review a few other tips to help your party  planning be even easier.

Why a Party for an Anniversary?

A tribute celebration for a loving coupe shows just how much you care about them and honors  their many successful years of marriage.  With the ups and downs of modern life, it has become  even more rare for couples to make a loving relationship work.  By reinforcing a celebration of their  long relationship effort, it helps the couple cement an even stronger bond together and within their  family.  As a couple reaches numerically higher anniversary their 20th, 40th, they  provide inspiration to their younger family members.  The anniversary party is also a wonderful way  to have a cross-generational party all together that is fun for everyone and special for the couple.   To pull it off successfully does take some planning, however, especially if it is to be a surprise party.   And as families and friends over the years become more far flung, getting everyone together  usually takes some travel coordination.

Noteworthy Ideas for Anniversary Parties

Among the first choices you will have to make is exactly what type of event you'll want to have.    Formal or beachy?  Casual cookout or sit down dinner?   A formal affair might lend itself to being  more of an occasion to invite adults, peers and work colleagues.  A family anniversary party may be  smaller and more intimate.  Maybe if the couple originally had a small, inexpensive wedding due to  their limited finances when they were younger, it might be time to throw them the occasion they  now deserve.  Once you decide on the type of event, think about what type of venue you will need  to get everyone together.  For a formal event, you may want a ballroom or banquet hall allowing for  seating everyone comfortably and dancing afterword.  For a simpler event, a lovely park or hosting  it in someone's generous backyard may be an option.  But you may wish to rent an event tent just  in case it rains.  Some families do escape weekends where everyone gets together in a  comfortable lodge or boutique hotel and celebrates the anniversary couple with multiple fun  activities, including silly reminiscing events, and lots of feasting, for an entire weekend, usually as  an opportunity for a family reunion.

Once you decide on location and number of guests, think about your invitations.  If you are  hand-making the invitations, estimate carefully the time you might need to put them all together  along with lead time so that people can have time to RSVP back to you and also plan travel  arrangements.  Get other family members to help.  You may even want to put together a funny  video and send it out to everyone via Facebook to encourage people to come if it is to be a less  formal event. 

As you choose your anniversary party theme, start thinking about specifics as to whether it will  likely be a home-based barbecue or beach fiesta, or black tie party.  The theme might be selected  based on the particular color of the original wedding or as a symbol of the specific anniversary  milestone number:  a first anniversary is paper, so white for paper or yellow for papyrus.  For the other anniversary years, Hallmark Cards has a helpful gift guide:  { } and this gemstone site,  Gem Selec, { } has a list of gems (use this for  party theme color ideas or for presenting jewelry) for each anniversary.  A 9th year anniversary  gem is Lapis Lazuli.  A traditional gift is pottery, a modern gift is leather.  All kinds of ideas  incorporating blues with pottery and leather could really make a special party theme for a 9th anniversary allowing for lots of decor options as a complement.

Having a surprise anniversary party is the ultimate challenge.  Making sure your guests don't tip off  the couple and leak the surprise by having your invitations well-worded and prominent in your conversations with the invited guests will help to not ruin the surprise.  Setting up a simple candlelit dinner date or a romantic cruise for "just the two of them" to revisit their first date is  usually a good tactic which allows for either a simple anniversary for the couple and allows for the other guests to get together to secretly plan the special date.  If possible, everyone can then all  show up later to party with the couple after they have had some time alone to reminisce.

Embellishing Your Invites for the Anniversary Party

Before beginning to spend money on supplies to customize your anniversary invitation cards, you  will want to determine if it's a household party or perhaps a more formal event. For formal parties,  your party invites must have a little more formal wording, somewhat like a formal wedding invitation.  And, for timing, you will need to send your anniversary party invites out 4 to 6 weeks prior to your  scheduled event, whether it's formal or casual. If you're planning an anniversary open-house, think  about having it buffet style where your visitors can appear and disappear at whatever time most  closely fits all of them with a period range detailed inside your anniversary invites, get a bit to eat,  mingle, and hug the happy couple.  Also make sure your invitation wordings indicate the dress  code, especially if it's a color-based theme celebration

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